By the way, check out my new robe. I think I look rather dapper. Mommy made me wear this last night after my bath. I have to admit that it felt quite relaxing once I got used to it.

By the way, check out my new robe. I think I look rather dapper. Mommy made me wear this last night after my bath. I have to admit that it felt quite relaxing once I got used to it.
After this I've earned my nap. Daddy will either put me right in my crib where I'll whine for a little bit and then fall asleep or I'll fall asleep in his arms as we watch SportsCenter together.
When I wake up from this nap today we are taking a trip to see Ge and Pop-Pop. They are Daddy's grandparents and my great-grandparents. The last time I saw them Daddy forgot my food. Needless to say, I was a little grumpy that day and didn't perform to par. I'll show them some of my new tricks to make up for Daddy's mistake. I hope to learn some new terms from them both such as the following to answering Daddy's question of whether I'm ready for a nap. I would respond, "Is the Pope Catholic?" Good-nap.
Have a great weekend!
There I am at 38 weeks. I know you can't really see me, so I've attempted to reenact how I was positioned and what I looked like. Believe it or not, I was there. I'm only a few inches deep to the surface of Mommy's tummy. Let's put this in perspective. I was .005 inches long and .00033 pounds in June of 2008. I kept dividing and dividing but somehow kept it together enough until 40 weeks later when I was 20.5 inches long and 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Yes, there's a lot of stuff that happened in between but we can get into that some other time. After looking at my Mommy you really have to wonder how I fit in there. I fondly remember my time in Mommy's tummy. But what's cool is that I decided when it was time to come out. It was my first major decision. Do I stay or do I go? At first, leaving Mommy's tummy seemed like a really bad idea. Then I saw and heard who was carrying me that whole time. It was my beautiful Mommy, holding me close and speaking to me so softly and sweetly. As far as I'm concerned that moment was the only reason that I started to like this so called "outside the womb" thing.
So how did all of this amazing and miraculous stuff happen? I have no clue.
Today, we're planning on just lying low to stay away from the heat. I'm playing with my toys right now. I like them all but only for limited amounts of time for each because I get bored easily. In the video you'll see me with just a few from my collection. If you notice, there's a quick break in the action in which some guy moves all of my toys away from me. I don't mind, though, as I could use the time to practice figuring stuff out. Watch me think as I hold my finger in my mouth and contemplate my next move. Independent play is fun and educational.
That is me, Matthew, napping in my crib this morning (sorry that it's dark and there's not much to hear). Here are the events that led up to it.
Cousin's Weekend at the Lake was a success. I had a lot fun entertaining and being entertained. Nothing crazy happened. We mostly talked about babies and dogs. I played, danced, and watched as others tried to make me smile, laugh and scream. I guess the presence of Baby Me and Baby Expecting keeps the whole group in check. There were two Onyx dogs there and that got a little confusing. We ate, played games, swam, kayaked, sailed, sat by the fire, and drank various beverages. I only drink what Mommy gives me. However, I did drink a little Lake water while swimming and splashing. Swimming is awesome! Mommy and Daddy would not let me out of their hands, though. If they did I could really show them what I am capable of. Remember, I knew how to swim before I knew how to do all my other tricks.
Yes, the photographers can get a little out of hand. I'll let this one of my backside slide. So where are all of the other pictures of everyone else? Look at the title of the blog, baby. This is about me - Matthew. If you think I'm going to post pictures of Cousin Muscles wearing my hat then think again. By the way, for some reason Cousins Muscles and Expecting love to say the word, "champ." I'm not sure why this is. I'll ask Mommy later. Perhaps "champ" will be my first word. Repetition is good for developing vocabulary and I've already heard this word more than any other.
Amid all the fun and entertainment I did not take many long naps. Nor did I sleep much Friday night. So now I'm exhausted. I just utilized my diaper and boy was it messy. It must have been all the fruit Mommy ate this weekend. There was only a slight blowout. Nevertheless, I needed a new shirt. Daddy had just put a new shirt on me less 5 minutes beforehand. I think that is a new record. All of this fun, cleansing the insides, and taking in a little nourishment will make anyone sleepy. When I wake up, it's back to business. Daddy and I are checking in to our new home this morning.
By the way, and most importantly: Thank you Great and Greatest for letting us have such a great time at the Lake. And if you think about it, you are both a major reason that all of our fun, love and happiness is possible. Thanks again!
I guess Gramp got caught up in anticipation of the excitement because somehow he forgot to bring Nana. There's always next time.
By the way, Gramp mentioned something about Santa and Christmas. I can't imagine who or what they are. I've heard Mommy and Daddy refer to it before when they discussed dressing me up as an elf. I'm sure it will take me a few years to understand the concept, but I'm starting my investigation now. Perhaps Little Cousin Wade can share his thoughts on the subject, among many others.
I was up for several hours very early this morning, restless and in pain. Mommy took the brunt of it during the first shift. Daddy took over for the second shift and I ended up falling asleep once the medicine and exhaustion finally kicked in. Last night was the first night in which my teeth really got to me. Here's what I don't understand. The fact is, babies are typically born with a full set of teeth. But instead of making their appearance from the beginning, they stay underneath the gums and slowly push their way through the gum tissue. Why can't I just have them now? Then it dawned on me as to why this might be. If I had teeth right now, poor Mommy would have to think twice before feeding a fussy, squirming, head suddenly turning to see what the dog is doing, baby with "biting" teeth. I guess the evolutionary gods got this one right, but I'll have to check one of my many how-to baby books for verification.
So for the past few months I've done what I can to relieve the pain. Fortunately, novelty is innate, and whatever new comes my way I grab it, look at it, and then put it in my mouth. When in my mouth, the object (such as Daddy's video camera), may serve as a teething device. Hey, whatever works.
Last night I was tired and didn't do the usual laugh-scream that demonstrates my enjoyment. But after the bath, I emerged once again as the soft, sweet smelling prince that I am. It was quite refreshing. Mommy then puts this nice smelling diaper cream on me. The combination of clean me and the cream is the nector of the gods. Here's a business idea for you (I want 30%): New Baby Smell - Newly Bathed Edition. You can bottle my smell up. Minivan moms would drive even worse just to get some.
This morning, Daddy and I are taking care of my cousins. It's a lot of responsibility and it can be a dirty job. I guarantee that after today a bath will be in order.
Have a great weekend!
Don't worry. I have not gone "public" with the blog. Daddy is worried about security threats and Mommy would probably be jealous of my groupies. So why the soda and snacks? Mommy and Daddy are going to a concert tonight. Since the baby is not invited, I thought I would take a taste anyway if I could just get this darn bag open.
Sometimes, after my fun-filled, action-packed weekends, I'm a little tired on Sunday and Monday. Yesterday, I ate and slept all day. Today, I'm in a much better mood and felt like smiling and laughing. I'm also starting this new nose-scrunching while I stick my toungue out, smile. I must get that from watching Mommy.