Monday, August 17, 2009

All Fun And No Sleep Make Matthew A Tired Boy

That is me, Matthew, napping in my crib this morning (sorry that it's dark and there's not much to hear). Here are the events that led up to it.

Cousin's Weekend at the Lake was a success. I had a lot fun entertaining and being entertained. Nothing crazy happened. We mostly talked about babies and dogs. I played, danced, and watched as others tried to make me smile, laugh and scream. I guess the presence of Baby Me and Baby Expecting keeps the whole group in check. There were two Onyx dogs there and that got a little confusing. We ate, played games, swam, kayaked, sailed, sat by the fire, and drank various beverages. I only drink what Mommy gives me. However, I did drink a little Lake water while swimming and splashing. Swimming is awesome! Mommy and Daddy would not let me out of their hands, though. If they did I could really show them what I am capable of. Remember, I knew how to swim before I knew how to do all my other tricks.

Yes, the photographers can get a little out of hand. I'll let this one of my backside slide. So where are all of the other pictures of everyone else? Look at the title of the blog, baby. This is about me - Matthew. If you think I'm going to post pictures of Cousin Muscles wearing my hat then think again. By the way, for some reason Cousins Muscles and Expecting love to say the word, "champ." I'm not sure why this is. I'll ask Mommy later. Perhaps "champ" will be my first word. Repetition is good for developing vocabulary and I've already heard this word more than any other.

Amid all the fun and entertainment I did not take many long naps. Nor did I sleep much Friday night. So now I'm exhausted. I just utilized my diaper and boy was it messy. It must have been all the fruit Mommy ate this weekend. There was only a slight blowout. Nevertheless, I needed a new shirt. Daddy had just put a new shirt on me less 5 minutes beforehand. I think that is a new record. All of this fun, cleansing the insides, and taking in a little nourishment will make anyone sleepy. When I wake up, it's back to business. Daddy and I are checking in to our new home this morning.

By the way, and most importantly: Thank you Great and Greatest for letting us have such a great time at the Lake. And if you think about it, you are both a major reason that all of our fun, love and happiness is possible. Thanks again!

1 comment:

  1. haha i even annoy myself by how many times we say champ! sorry matthew, I really hope that is not your first word!!! next time we see you i promise not to say it so often :)
