This is the chair that I sit in sometimes in the bathroom while Mommy or Daddy gets ready in the morning. I think I'm getting a little too big for it. Anyway, this morning I fell asleep while Daddy was showering. The sauna-like conditions will make anyone sleepy. I sit in here because Mommy or Daddy can keep an eye on me. Onyx is a good dog but his infant care capabilities are somewhat lacking. Nothing against Onyx or his kind but I've been realizing over the past few months that dogs, though fascinating to watch, don't have the same intellectual abilities that even I have at this point in my life. He doesn't respond to me when I speak to him and he doesn't tell me all day how funny and cute I am. Then again, he doesn't tell me to stop crying when crying is my way of telling others that I need something. He really doesn't do anything.
So I'm still working on my crawl. Here's what what happened during my workout session yesterday.
I say to myself, “Okay Matthew you can do this. First: butt up in the air, go left leg, go right leg, go arms go!" But, the arms don’t cooperate and there’s no traction with the knees. Therefore, there’s no forward movement. I roll back over, catch my breath and then yell a frustrating “aaahhhh” to the gods.
Let's try this again. Butt up in the air...
Wow! Did you see that? It may not be a true crawl but you have to admit that I'm on to something here. It's just a matter of time.
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