Mommy and Daddy are not letting me stay up ‘til midnight tonight to celebrate the New Year. I feel this is an infringement on my constitutional rights. Apparently, I'm too little this year and have no choice but to go to bed at my usual time. However, this doesn't mean I can't bring in the New Year without participating in some New Year traditions.
Then there's the partaking of a certain adult beverage once the ball has dropped. I'm going to have to modify this custom slightly with a formulated beverage of my own. Bottoms up!
Finally, there are fireworks. After partially singeing hair on the dog's tail, Daddy and I had to come up with a much safer means of illustrating fireworks. It's a very crude representation, but in the end, fireworks are just lights and noise.
I hope that all of you find an appropriate, fun, and safe way to bring in the New Year. Also, let me add 'quiet' to that list, as I'll be sleeping snug in my crib and can do without the interruption, thank you. Happy New Year and…
Have a great weekend!
Happy New Year Matthew and I hope your Mommy and Daddy have a happy and healthy New Year too. Nana just turned me on to your blog so I will be adding it to my favorites so we can stay in touch.