Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Welcome To The Crib
I was not always a big fan of my crib. Just last month it was a large, dark and cold place. I did like the music with the four giraffes moving in a circular motion. But now I'm bigger... and I can roll over. Within the cage (as Daddy calls it), the possibilities are endless. Mommy and Daddy are a bit concerned, though. If they put me down on my back to sleep one minute, I may be on the other side of the crib and on my tummy the next minute. While on my tummy, I also like to stick my entire arm and leg out the sides between the balusters and flail them like a caged bird. This really gets Mommy and Daddy going. Maybe you two should get that video monitoring system after all. I could have so much fun with it. If not, then maybe you could just strap the audio monitor to your ear so you don't have to hold it up so long. I don't want you developing tennis elbow or anything.
Okay, I'm sleepy now. Let me just roll over and get this pacifier. Let the games begin.
Monday, June 29, 2009
With These Powers Combined

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Big Brother is Watching
I don't take very long naps: usually anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes. Mommy and Daddy are trying to figure out why, as if it's supposedly a "problem." This morning, Daddy snuck a video camera to see if he could capture whatever is waking me up. So when I did wake up, I noticed the camera and decided to play along with his little game. Here's what happened (sorry if it's too dark; and there's not much to hear):
So what exactly did I do? As soon as I noticed the camera I went back to sleep. And how long did I sleep you ask? Too long for the tape: One hour and 50 minutes. I made Daddy wake me up for my mid-morning meal.
I hope this teaches Daddy a lesson. Before you know it, he'll have one of those baby video monitoring systems installed in my room. He and Mommy will sit downstairs, glued to the video viewer, neurotically watching to make sure their little bundle of joy is sleeping okay. Of course I'll put on a show...I'll either sing to the camera until midnight or I'll turn around, drop my diaper, and display my tiny rear end.
I will admit, though, that a two hour nap does make me feel pretty sweet, especially after having Daddy get up with me at 4:45 AM. That was probably a little too early.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Onyx The Big Black Dog

My observational nature walk, followed by a warm bottle of joe, has made my eyes very heavy. I'm struggling and fighting to keep them open, but to no avail, I surrender...
Sunday, June 21, 2009

I wish everyone could have a dad, granddads and great-granddads like I do. I'm really lucky and very happy.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Horizontal Matthew

So today is Friday. I have yet to decide if I'll be a "weekend blogger," as we say in the biz. I may and I may not post...you'll just have to stay tuned to find out. This weekend is Father's Day weekend and I'm really excited. I'll see the 'D' grandparents at my aunts and the latest news from the Blogosphere is that the 'O' grandparents are coming to visit (I hope you don't having Mowing Withdrawal, Gramp).
I'd like to finish this post by responding to a question concerning my typing and the new found use of my hands that was raised by one of my many readers. I know you're wondering who would do such a thing but I'm not naming names. Her first name starts with B, last name with O, and she's my aunt. Anyway, how do I do it? Isn't it obvious of how I get help with this blog? Are all of you really that thick-headed? I guess so. But it's no secret and so I'll tell you...I use speech-recognition software. Hello!, wake up and smell the technology of 2009. By the way, I was up for an hour, exhausted myself, and have just gone horizontal in the crib, slowly and softly falling asleep...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wrestling with Tiger the Lion
Today I'm a little bit fussy. I'm assuming the reason is because I don't like sleeping at night. It's just not my thing to stay asleep for extended periods of time. Mommy and Daddy love sleeping and seemingly can't get enough of it. I'm not sure why. Oh well, I hope they figure it out.
Yesterday on the way home from lunch with Mommy I noticed my hands. I mean, I've noticed them before but now I think I realize that I have total control of them. Hands are awesome! You should have seen the look of wonderment is my eyes. Next I'll work on my feet. Now that I have control of my hands I can wrestle Tiger. Cousin Wade (the smaller one) named and gave me Tiger (who is actually a lion but Wade liked 'Tiger' better) the day after I was born. My morning bout with Tiger was captured on video:
As you can see, I won and was pretty psyched about it. I'm looking forward to a rematch if he can handle it :)
Before I go I'd like to give a shout out to Mommy: you're the best ever, I really love you, and do you know where the fire extinguisher is? Daddy has been looking for it, "just in case."
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Lunch Date
Today I'm visiting Mommy for lunch and I'm very excited.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Taking It Easy
So far today I played, finished reading 'One Fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish' and did my push ups:

Then Daddy and I went shopping which makes me very sleepy. I fell asleep at the store and have been napping for over 1 and 1/2 hours! For the rest of the day I'm taking it easy.

Monday, June 15, 2009
Missing Mommy

Welcome to my blog! I will begin my daily blog tomorrow so that everyone can keep up with what I am doing. For now, I just have a personal message for my mommy:
I love you Mommy and I miss you. I know you will be home soon and I will have a big smile waiting for you. Daddy is doing his best but I am going to make him work hard for the next few days.
I love you.