Today I'm a little bit fussy. I'm assuming the reason is because I don't like sleeping at night. It's just not my thing to stay asleep for extended periods of time. Mommy and Daddy love sleeping and seemingly can't get enough of it. I'm not sure why. Oh well, I hope they figure it out.
Yesterday on the way home from lunch with Mommy I noticed my hands. I mean, I've noticed them before but now I think I realize that I have total control of them. Hands are awesome! You should have seen the look of wonderment is my eyes. Next I'll work on my feet. Now that I have control of my hands I can wrestle Tiger. Cousin Wade (the smaller one) named and gave me Tiger (who is actually a lion but Wade liked 'Tiger' better) the day after I was born. My morning bout with Tiger was captured on video:
As you can see, I won and was pretty psyched about it. I'm looking forward to a rematch if he can handle it :)
Before I go I'd like to give a shout out to Mommy: you're the best ever, I really love you, and do you know where the fire extinguisher is? Daddy has been looking for it, "just in case."
Your doing really well with your typing skills, I'm so happy you found a way to express yourself. Gramp and I will be coming to see you on Saturday, and we are VERY excited. I will call Mommy and Daddy to see what time is best. Gramp is concerned the sun will come out while we're away allowng the grass to grow. So if you could show him your best smile and maybe give a giggle, he'll stay til at least after breakfast on Sunday. Don't forget Sunday is fathers day. Take this opportunity to show your amazing Daddy how much you appreciate him.