Happy Father's Day!
What a special day. I've decided to add a message today because I am so excited to be celebrating a day just for Daddy, Gramp O., Great-Gramp O., Grampa D, and Pop. Mommy is helping my out today since we want to make sure Daddy gets to relax.
I need to take some time to make sure everyone knows how very special my Daddy is! He takes such good care of me and I have so much fun with him! Not just any daddy would stay home everyday with their baby...but my daddy does and he is so good at it! He has no idea just how good he is. I am really hoping to grow up to be just like him. So today is a "shout-out" to you Daddy. I think you are the best and really love being with you. Here's the best way to describe what I think (thanks to Uncle Tim for the shirt):
I've had a great weekend because I got to hang out with some of my favorite people. Aunt Leslie had a great party as usual. I got to play with Kyle, Sage, and Wade...they are really funny. Grampa and Gammy were there which was extra special. I'm so glad Gramp, Nanna, and Aunt Bethie come to visit...it's so much fun! I don't think little boys like myself have such impressive men in their lives. I have a lot of role models so it's no doubt I'm going to turn out perfect, that what mommy always tells me. 
So here's another "shout-out", this time to Gramp. Thanks for driving up here on your special weekend to spend time with me. Soon I'll be able to help you mow the lawn, but I get to steer, ok! I put on my farmer shirt after you left today and just had to laugh at all the fun I had this weekend.

I wish everyone could have a dad, granddads and great-granddads like I do. I'm really lucky and very happy.
Hey Matthew, Thank you for making my fathers day so special. I got to spend time with you, watch you laugh and smile all morning. Now we are back home, the sun came out and I get to mow the lawn on my John Deere lawn mower. When I'm done I will have a cold BUD, a gift from your awesome Aunt Beth. You are a very special little boy, and bring so much happiness to so many people in only 3 months. Have fun with your Dad today, we Love you very much!! Gramp O, and Nana too