Friday, July 31, 2009

Rainy Day Blues

Today, our plans to go to the zoo were washed away by the rain. My understanding was that we were going to put Cousin Wade in the zoo (if they would take him). Wade is a close second to Television in capturing my attention. I could watch him all day, but sometimes he is a little intense as any three year old can be. I can't wait to be three. Here's a picture of Wade "holding" me the other day. Do I look a little nervous to you?:

It's okay that it's raining because I'm hungry and tired. Mommy says that I must be in a growth spurt because yesterday I ate about the equivalent of three times my body weight and did not spit any of it up. I then proceeded to take a 3 hour nap in the afternoon and went to bed almost an hour early.

Speaking of Mommy, I'm told that I'm starting to look more like her now, but in boy form of course. You can be the judge.

I got about 15 comments in the past two days about how beautiful my eyes are. Thanks for the good looks, Mommy!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

If You're Happy And You Know It...

Soon after I entered this world, I noticed something truly amazing. To this day, this wonderful invention of all inventions captures my imagination and takes me to places I have never seen. I cannot take my eyes off of it. It calms me when I'm fussy and arouses me when I'm sleepy. It doesn't ask me to smile or talk, and it engages me at whatever level I choose. What is this wonder of wonders? It is known as 'Television.' You should try it. I don't get to watch too much of it because of its ability to stop me in my tracks and stare. This makes Mommy and Daddy a little nervous. I think they are afraid of me loving Television more than them. Baseball is the best and not just because my Daddy likes it. I like tennis, too. Cycling is okay, but I'd rather dig my eye out with my new cereal spoons than watch golf (I got that line from my Great Uncle). You may have to pry me off my seat and have a good reason for it when football season rolls around. I only get to watch Television once in a great while so I make the most of it. Today I'm watching Baby Einstein. It's produced by Disney. My Great Uncle refers to Disney as the Evil Empire and Daddy says that, "studies show that Baby Einstein and Television can be detrimental...blah, blah, blah." Sorry, Daddy, I wasn't paying attention and can't remember what you said because I was busy watching Television's awesomeness. I bet studies would show differently with children exposed to High Definition Television. Despite what studies show, Daddy feels better with me watching Television while he takes out the garbage. Now, turn your volume up and sing along with me. "If you're happy and you know it..."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Games I Play

Yesterday evening Mommy and Daddy took me swimming at my aunt and uncle's. I had a blast and swam for at least a half hour. Mommy and Aunt Leslie showed me some new strokes while my cousins entertained me, particularly shark boy (Wade) bite with his "biting teeth." I was exhausted after, leading to a record night of sleep. I slept 7 hours straight, woke at 5 AM for a quick bite to eat, then went back to sleep until 8:15. Sorry I missed you this morning Mommy, but I guess Daddy, Onyx and I needed some extra sleep.

So now I'm full of energy. It's fun to take advantage of this energy and play "games" with Daddy and Onyx. This morning Daddy was holding me while trying to feed Onyx. I was able to grab one piece of Onyx's food from the transfer cup. That piece dropped on the ground and is now under the stove where Onyx is trying desperately to reach it. That should keep him busy for at least an hour.

Breakfast was also fun...for me. I had a good time throwing the bottle around. Daddy would put the bottle in my mouth and I would bat it away with my hands. I kept this up the whole time. The best is when I bat the bottle away and hold the nipple in my mouth temporarily. Upon release, it splatters milk onto my Daddy's face. Good times. I'm good at convincing Daddy, giving that look like I'm saying, "it's okay Daddy, I'm still hungry and I won't do it again. Bring that bottle closer." He falls for it every time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer in the City

Mommy said that today is supposed to get into the 90's! As you can see, I'm prepared for it. Daddy and I are planning to catch some rays, play a little beach volleyball and go cruising for hot bikini chicks (for me only, of course). Either that or we'll eat some cereal, go to the grocery store, take some naps and make dinner for Mommy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Cadillac of Seats

I own several devices that allow me to sit back and be entertained. There is the automatically swinging swing with vibration, music, and rotating bears above; another chair that vibrates and plays music but has little doodads hanging for admiring and grabbing; and a little bumbo seat where I can learn to "sit up" and develop my back muscles. These are all fun, have and will serve their purposes, but I have an all new and exciting love. I call it the Sitting, Turning, Bouncing, Piano Playing, Mirror Gazing, Frog spinning, Hanging Doodad Extravaganza (or the Musical Motion Activity Jumper for short). Mommy and Daddy bought it for me this weekend when they realized that Little Baby Matthew needed something better for independent play and a place to really express himself. Laying on the floor or bed and staring at the ceiling gets a little boring sometimes. Besides, I can just roll off the bed. So now my parents have somewhere safe to put me when Mommy is doing her hair or talking on the phone and Daddy is paying bills or taking out the garbage.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sit...Stay...Laydown...Rollover. Good Boy!

I have just been informed that we are not traveling this weekend. I repeat: no traveling this weekend. Mommy and Daddy are extra happy about this. I may develop separation anxiety from my car seat, but I doubt it. I wonder if they think I'm going to let them sleep in tomorrow. Not going to happen, considering I slept in this morning until 8:15! Daddy and I are taking it easy today and I'm working on this 'sitting' thing. I sit all of the time but not really on my own. It is a great new way to explore. Once I can sit and get this crawling thing going I will have and be the complete package.
In case you are wondering, the bear is an old friend given to me by Cousin "Auntie" Sarah. I'm working on a name for him. He's a mutual friend of Onyx and I and is very gentle. I don't mess with him like I do Tiger because the bear is still bigger than me.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


There really is nothing like a hot cup of joe and some oatmeal cereal fortified with iron mixed with warm breasted milk to get you going in the morning.

I thoroughly enjoyed my first eating last night and I think I was pretty good at it. If you look carefully you can see that I can handle the spoon practically on my own. Mommy also did a good in assisting. She is a professional you know, as the earlier part of her day consisted of spoon-feeding old people. It was nice of her to come home and help me out too.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Can you do this?

I feel great this morning. You probably would to if you had 9 hours of sleep, woke up and ate breakfast, and then went back to sleep for another 2 hours. Now I get to eat again. Today I plan on smiling, talking, playing, and being cute (when I'm not sleeping or eating), as I feel I have finally recovered from the weekend. I have mastered putting my foot in my mouth (literally speaking of course). I also really like my shirt but have no idea what it means...what is that cat doing in a boat inside a whale? And how does a cat obtain a boat? Is there some higher meaning to all of - oops! I guess it doesn't matter because I just had a side blowout. Daddy, wardrobe change!

I would like to give a brand new shout out to Kai: Welcome to the world Kai, and congratulations to your Mommy and Daddy. I'm glad you could join us.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Do you know what is cool? Teeth. Do you know what is not cool? Teething. I have been in the process for a while now and I am ready for a breakthrough. I know those teeth are there. Instead of just breaking the gums they sit and push, and push, and then push some more. This hurts and makes me drool. You will rarely find me anymore without a stream of sticky, warm saliva coming from my mouth. The drool also sticks to other things like a spider web: my hands, Mommy's face, toys, and fingers. Do not bring a finger near me or you may lose it. Pressure is the only relief and my jaw and gums can bring it. Mommy gave me all of my teething toys yesterday, about a month too late don't you think, Mommy? I had been reduced to gnawing on poor Tiger's lion mane.

Monday, July 20, 2009


This morning I went to visit my cousins while they were camping. I had a great day playing with them. The best part was the special guest appearance with my newest and cutest cousin, Yvette. We are only seven weeks apart, with me being the older, wiser baby of the two. She loves to smile and that is good because her smile is the best. I like to make people work for a smile (except for Mommy of course). Yvette and I got a chance to chill out a little bit. This was a lot of fun.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby on Board

This morning, Onyx, Daddy and I went to the park with some friends. We went for a long walk around a lake and then played at the jungle gym. I had my first ride down a slide. It was not the thrill I was looking for. Perhaps if I was not strapped to Daddy and I was on my own it would have been a little more exciting. The rest of the day I will sleep, eat, and help to pack up the car. Why pack the car? Because it's Friday. Don't all families leave their homes and spend hours in the car to spend a few short hours somewhere else? Maybe not. What do I do in the car most of the time? You're looking at it:
Gramp asked me how many miles I have under my belt. If I had to guess, I'd say 3,832. This only includes getting to the destination and back. It does not include all the other times I am in the car, like running errands with Daddy or going to buy shoes and dresses for and with Mommy. You may say that the mileage does not sound like a lot, but remember that I'm only 4 months old. I've spent the night in 7 different towns or cities. I feel like I've been everywhere, man (cue Johnny Cash). It's not all bad though. I get to meet a lot of different people and experience new things. This weekend we're headed to Pittsburgh (so add at least 794 miles). I plan on eating perogies and sampling Iron City Light with some steel workers. It should be a good time.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tired and Hungry

I am tired and hungry most of the time. In fact, sometimes this blog is difficult to do because I am sleeping or eating. Did you know that I can sleep and eat at the same time? You're right, I am amazing. Today I had to go to Daddy's doctor for his routine checkup. I tried to convince the nurse to give Daddy a couple of shots in the thighs but she would not listen. This convincing ran into my eating and sleeping time. So here I am, tired and hungry, writing this post.

Yes, I could eat all day. My tummy gets angry when I go too long without eating. Sometimes I just like to eat for the heck of it. Usually that leads to spitting up the excess, but Mommy and Daddy do a great job of cleaning me, themselves, the floor, the dog, or whatever stands in the way. Spitting up doesn't bother me. My favorite thing is to wake up at least every hour during the night and feed. Mommy has been patient but is trying hard to tell me I don't really need to eat that often and I have listened to her (for the most part) for the past few weeks. Last night I woke up once and only for a quick feed. Let's face it, my stomach is still so small that I can't take in enough to make it through the night. Anyway, I almost got 10 hours of sleep. Daddy had to wake me up this morning, which I believe is a first. So as I continue this growing thing I'm going to need to eat. The doctor said I can now start testing real food such as cereal. I can't wait to come downstairs in the morning, get the toy from the cereal box, read the comics and sports section, and eat breakfast with Mommy and Daddy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's up, Doc?

Sometimes I do not follow up on my posts. I guess I am just so present and future oriented. Anyway, and in case you were wondering, I had a nice time at my first wedding. I slept through most of it, woke up near the end, and all the while looked good doing it.

I had a lot of fun with Aunt Bethy while Mommy and Daddy partied at the reception. She did forget the bike though.

So I went to the doctor today for my four month checkup. I am happy to report that I've grown quite a bit: 26 pounds and 32 inches long, putting me at the 96th percentile. If you believe that then I'll tell you another. Seriously, have you ever even looked at my parents? They aren't exactly the largest people in the world and I have been subjected to their genetics. I'm right where I should be: 14 pounds, 2 ounces and 25 1/4 inches long. This puts me at about 50% on the growth charts. If I continue my current growth rate of doubling my weight every four months, and I plan to, I should be about 448 pounds by the age of two. At that rate I'll probably be bigger than Mommy in a few days.

The doctor is happy with my progress, especially my neck strength and rollover capabilities. I was not happy with the nurse stabbing me twice, one in each thigh. I think her exact words were, "take two of these, cry baby, and we will see in you two months." I can't wait.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Happy Place

I love my changing table. I do some of my best smiling and talking when I lay down and have my diaper changed. Even if I'm having a bad day a quick trip to the changing table makes everything temporarily better. Not only does the window next to the table provide a great view, but it allows for some wonderfully pleasant air to caress and cool my hot, diaper-infringing bottom.

The best part about my table, and the whole diaper changing process, is the one-on-one time with Mommy. Her sweet, wonderful voice and face captures me and I give her that quiet wonder of a look that says, "you are the best and the light of my life." Even Daddy has been known to sing a quick tune to my delight. Somehow the changing table makes his voice sound better.

I am already well versed in the art of frequently dirtying a diaper. I use this to my advantage. "Oh, Daddy, I did it again!"

Monday, July 13, 2009


I've had some milestones lately. First, I graduated to #2 diapers last week. I think that was a little overdue as blowouts have significantly decreased since then. Second, my hair may be ready to do something. After my bath last night and into this morning most of it stuck straight up. If it were darker and thicker I would have that mad scientist look going. Stay tuned for the hair. Third, I am demonstrating different variations of pitch and tone in my voice. Instead of crying for something I want, I sometimes test new sounds. Often there is a toy in my mouth so my speech is a little muffled. Finally, I'm really taking off with this rolling over thing. I've been able to roll for a little while, but it's been difficult to summon and control. This weekend I was rolling on demand: to my tummy and over again to my back. Onyx has really helped with my training. He's a great roller. Maybe I can scratch my face and back when I roll over too. It's convenient now that I can get to my tummy, get my elbows on the ground, and practice my crawling. I like to roll to the right. Maybe next week I'll work on my moves to the left. The following week: somersaults.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Baby Steps

Learning to crawl is tough! This tummy-time thing used to be about holding my head up. Now it's a whole new ball game. I guess I have to take it one step at a time. I like to try real hard for a few seconds, kicking and screaming at my target (which today is Tiger). I move a few inches, then I relax. It's important to allow my muscles and lungs to recuperate. Then I'm right back at it. Maybe if I could get some grip pads on my elbows and knees I might get along a little better.

Daddy let me watch a little TV before my nap because I did such a good job sleeping last night and crawling this morning. We watched the Tour de France. Lance is the man. I can't wait to master this crawling thing and then jump on a bike.

Tomorrow I leave for Buffalo to attend my first wedding. I'm not really sure what to expect. I hear wedding receptions can be fun but I'll have to wait for some other wedding to find out. Mommy and Daddy are leaving me with my "nanny." Aunt Bethy is coming via locomotive to hang out with me. It should be a good time...much better than some stupid reception.

I apologize if I do not get to make a post tomorrow since Daddy and I will be so busy. I'll see what I can do. I'll see you tomorrow, Aunt Bethy! Are you bringing me a bike?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Day In The Life Of

What does my day typically consist of? Every day is different, and I'm not always so compliant. Here is an example of a "typical" week day:
7:00 - wake up and hang out with Mommy
7:30 - eat
7:45 - utilize my diaper
7:55 - play time
8:30 - Daddy tries to convince me to sleep
8:35 - I convince Daddy I'm not sleeping, I'm still hungry, and that I'm working on a present for him
8:40 - utilize my diaper (probably a "blow-out")
8:42 - change clothes (for the second time)
8:45 - I convince Daddy to add in an extra feeding
8:55 - utilize my diaper (bonus)
9:20 - 10:30 sleep in my crib
10:30 - eat
10:45 - utilize my diaper
11:00 - play time, read, or hike with Onyx
11:30 - optional (probably run errands)

12:00 - 1:00 fall asleep in car seat
1:00 - wake up and wonder how I got wherever I am
1:05 - play time
1:30 - eat
1:35 - utilize my diaper
1:40 - continue previous eating session
2:00 - play time
3:00 - 4:30 - sleep
4:30 - ? - Mommy Time
8:00 - ? - bedtime if and when I feel like it
As you can see, eating, diaper changes, sleeping, playing, and "convincing" take up most of my time. I'm a very busy little boy, and I can go from happy and smiling to exhausted in a 'blink of the eye':

It seems that the schedule changes almost every week because I seem to change almost every week. I like to keep things interesting for Mommy and Daddy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hey Good Lookin'

Mirrors are fascinating. They make me smile. I'm not sure that I have the whole reflection concept down yet, but whatever I'm seeing I like. There's always this handsome blue-eyed baby staring right back at me. So I smile back and so does he. Anyway, Mommy and Daddy like to carry me around in the 'Baby Bjorn.' I believe 'Baby Bjorn' is Swedish for 'Strap baby in one of these so you can use your hands and actually get stuff done.' I don't mind it and it does allow for some good mirror time. Here's a look (not much to hear):

Enjoy your Tuesday!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Is it gas? It's gas. It's gas, isn't it?

One of my Daddy's most overused Simpson's quote is the title of this post. Yes, it probably is gas and I have a lot of it. In fact, you can take it. I don't want it anymore. It may be fun when I'm a little older but right now it likes to sneak up on me and "grab" me from behind. It may last for seconds or hours. It may sit in my insides while it grows bigger and stronger. It may release in different forms and from either end. I apologize for the graphic nature of this post. However, when something is such a big part of your life, like gas is for mine, then sometimes you just need to share. Heck (that's my new word), even if it's not gas you'll hear Mommy and Daddy say, "I bet it's gas." Maybe I'm just hungry, tired, or bored, Mommy and Daddy. So you want it? You go it. Get your free gas here. 'Energy crisis' my a__. Even this morning while napping I cried a quick, screeching scream due to a temporary build up. Daddy ran up the stairs and hurried into the room. As soon as he opened the door I let one rip. Then, back to sleep. That one was a little easier. At least it keeps Daddy on his toes. The following video is a depiction of how I try and handle the gas situation.

My feeling is that I can rid of this problem if I could just get that darn sock off and get my foot in my mouth. I'm not sure why this would work but I've got nothing to lose.

By the way, I had a great time at the lake. Thank you to all who made it possible. I swam for the first time. The water was cold so I only got in to my waist. I also went on my first boat ride before we left. Yes, I was a little tired, but you would be to if you had to entertain everyone all weekend.

Friday, July 3, 2009

To The Lake!

This weekend, Mommy, Daddy, Onyx and I are headed to The Lake for the Fourth of July. I've got a lot to do to get ready. First I have to take Onyx to the vet because his ear smells really bad. I hope to see some other dogs there. Then it's time to pack. I have to get my fishing gear, sunglasses, crab hat, sunscreen, flippers, floaties, sandcastle construction equipment, marshmallow stick, and the car seat to kayak seat adapter. Oh wait, I forgot... Mommy and Daddy have yet to provide me with any of this stuff (except the crab hat) and Mommy says, "no kayaking for you little boy." I guess I'll just sit on the dock with Onyx and Tiger and watch all of the fun. I could use some quiet reflection time. Here is a sneak preview of what I plan to do in the car ride there. It is also a result of only getting five hours of sleep last night (sorry, Mommy).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Birthday Suit for Kyle

Happy 12th Birthday, Cousin Kyle! In honor of your special day I am wearing my birthday suit. It's great to roll around and feel the breeze. Thanks for giving me an excuse to celebrate. I hope you have a "cheeky" birthday!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eye of the Tiger

I started the first of my first July with my morning exercise routine. It included some 'tummy time’, which is quickly turning into 'crawl time.' Tiger was my aim today. He gives me that "look" with his lion eye and then I chase him. I was moving pretty fast today... felt like a mile-a-minute. You'll notice that I had the hiccups, a situation that can hinder my performance. Hiccups are very frustrating and have plagued babies for centuries. I propose more scientific research in this area.

Daddy normally works with me on motor coordination, speed and strength. Mommy works with me on speaking and language because, let us face it, this is her strength. Only Mommy can get me to have full conversations and have a good laugh. My "squeal" is merely an imitation of her speech. Speaking of Mommy, I am joining her for lunch this afternoon.

That's it for today. I have to get back to my routine. Tiger keeps giving me that lion eye. Little does he know that I have the eye of a tiger!