What does my day typically consist of? Every day is different, and I'm not always so compliant. Here is an example of a "typical" week day:
7:00 - wake up and hang out with Mommy
7:30 - eat
7:45 - utilize my diaper
7:55 - play time
8:30 - Daddy tries to convince me to sleep
8:35 - I convince Daddy I'm not sleeping, I'm still hungry, and that I'm working on a present for him
8:40 - utilize my diaper (probably a "blow-out")
8:42 - change clothes (for the second time)
8:45 - I convince Daddy to add in an extra feeding
8:55 - utilize my diaper (bonus)
9:20 - 10:30 sleep in my crib
10:30 - eat
10:45 - utilize my diaper
11:00 - play time, read, or hike with Onyx
11:30 - optional (probably run errands)
12:00 - 1:00 fall asleep in car seat
1:00 - wake up and wonder how I got wherever I am
1:05 - play time
1:30 - eat
1:35 - utilize my diaper
1:40 - continue previous eating session
2:00 - play time
3:00 - 4:30 - sleep
4:30 - ? - Mommy Time
8:00 - ? - bedtime if and when I feel like it
As you can see, eating, diaper changes, sleeping, playing, and "convincing" take up most of my time. I'm a very busy little boy, and I can go from happy and smiling to exhausted in a 'blink of the eye':

It seems that the schedule changes almost every week because I seem to change almost every week. I like to keep things interesting for Mommy and Daddy.
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