Tuesday, March 9, 2010
If You're Happy... Clap Your Feet
Mommy taught me how to clap my feet. Specifically, I learned to do it by observing Mommy. When she's watching TV and both of her hands are busy, one hand holding the phone to her ear to talk and the other hand sending text messages, she will clap with her feet if she finds the show she's watching to be amusing. Mommy is also teaching me how to speak like a monkey and to repeat how the last little piggy goes all the way home. Unfortunately, the camera crew has yet to capture this on tape. Stay tuned.
There's only two days before my birthday and I have to admit there's not much going on. It's kind of like the quiet before the birthday storm. I still have yet to figure out what's going to happen on my special day. You know, as in, what I should expect. Luckily, Aunt Bethy and Uncle C. sent me a book titled, Happy Birthday To You! (Party Edition), by Dr. Seuss. I'm a big fan of Dr. Seuss' work. I haven't read the entire book yet, but I'm getting an idea of what's to happen on my birthday. First, the Great Birthday Bird from Katroo comes to pick me up. Apparently, he's in charge of the whole affair. Once he wakes me up in the morning and I've had a snack we'll head "out of town on a Smorgasbord's back." Additionally, the Great Birthday Bird will tell me that my birthday is my day, that no one can tell me 'no,' that I don't have to be clean, and I can eat with both hands and feet. In other words, it'll be a typical day. Then, we'll hang out with some Funicular Goats, Who-Bubs, fifty Hippo-Heimers, and others that I can't begin to understand who and what they are. I do know one thing, however, and that is that the Census workers are going to have their work cut out for them when trying to account for these people. I'll read the rest tonight with Mommy. Thanks Aunt Bethy and Uncle C. for helping me clear some things up even though I think I'm a little more confused than I was. Perhaps I'll understand once I finish the book. Thanks again. And yes, Uncle C., I'll be sure to "Keep Ballin'."
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