Thursday, March 11, 2010

One Year

Happy Birthday to Me.  Twelve months- wow!  I went to bed last night an infant and woke up this morning a toddler.  When I did wake up the Great Birthday Bird did not greet me.  Instead, the Great Birthday Onyx came in my room.  He seemed more interested in receiving his own breakfast than concerning himself with my birthday.  Oh well.  Maybe I have to be at least two or three years old before I can just leave the house and fly around with some giant bird.

My birthday day has just begun so I don't have much to say about it right now.  I'll attempt to fill you in tomorrow with today's details and pictures.  For now, I've put together a little video that looks back at my first year.  Be sure to turn up the volume.  I hope you enjoy dancing to the music as much as I do.  What will the next year bring?  You'll have to stay tuned to find out.

Before I go, I'd like to thank you, Mommy, for making this all possible and for being the biggest reason that I'm the happiest little big birthday boy in the world.


  1. What a wonderful year it has been! Thank you for bringing so much joy to so many people. I can't wait to celebrate with you.
    Happy Birthday Matthew!!

    Aunt Bethy

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the blog today!! What a great job Matthew! I can't believe you are one years old already, where did the time go? I can't wait to see you this weekend and celebrate! Happy birthday! I love you!


  3. WOW!!!! - that was fantastic thanks for sharing !
    What a great Kid!
    I loved it!
    thanks for making my day brighter,
    Vicki in Montana!

  4. Matthew, you sure know how to have a good time! Rest up for a another special birthday celebration at Nana's house!
    Great Auntie Nina
