I'm going to the mall with Cousin Wade today to pay a visit to this Santa character. Apparently, Wade is planning on sitting on Santa's lap so that he may demand gifts of him. I think I'll just observe. This morning, Daddy and I read part (not all because I kept trying to eat the book) of
'Twas The Night Before Christmas in preparation for today's visit. It was my first glimpse of the jolly, overweight, tobacco-smoking old man dressed in red. If I were Wade I would be scared...very scared. If I could I would run. Instead, I'll stay in my stroller and hope that Daddy doesn't get me too close to the action. It would be nice to make some gift demands and ask some questions, but it's probably not worth the risk. I'd like to know how this guy really does it and why. It all seems a little strange, but it's not like there could possibly be a vast Santa conspiracy and that mommies and daddies everywhere would lie to their sweet little baby angels. I'll just take the gifts and ask questions later.
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