Good morning. Today I am going to my first story time at the library. The library calls it, "Cuddle Time," for those in my age group. I have to admit I'm a little nervous. It didn't help to wake up and find Mommy had already left for the day. Why is this a problem? It's a problem because she forgot to set out an outfit to wear. So Daddy and I are kind of freaking out. She knows that we are both incapable of picking out an appropriate outfit for public wear. I've got to look good. There will be other babies there probably judging my appearance. What if there are mommies there recruiting gentleman callers for their baby girls? And what's the deal with the 'cuddle' thing. No one's going to want to cuddle with a baby wearing clothes that don't match. I'd go just in my diaper, but it's like 30 degrees outside. Daddy and I looked at about 10 different outfits. Notice that I didn't say that I tried them all on. It practically takes all the king's horses and all the king's men to get me dressed. We found one we think might work. Be honest, how do I look?

What a stud muffin! I love the outfit John and Matthew! Good pick! You better watch out there are going to be a lot of girls at your door in a couple of years.