The other day I visited Cousin Yvette's blog in which the title of the last posting read, "Where's My Hair?" Her mommy went on to write that Yvette had gone to the doctor the other day and was measured at, "17lbs.6oz and 26.5 inches long (60th and 75th percentiles, respectively)." Wow, Yvette is 7 weeks younger than me but is practically my size! It's not like she's one of those "worlds biggest" Chinese babies you see in the tabloids at the grocery store. Those babies are known to devour their own mothers. No, Yvette is where she should be. Instead, I believe that I'm soon to be medically labeled, "Shrimp." So Yvette, what is your secret? Are you taking performance enhancing milk, prunes, and apples? Perhaps all your energy and nutrient intake is helping your body grow, whereas most of mine is going towards the growth of my luxurious, strawberry-blond hair. Let's make a deal, shall we? I'll trade you some hair (I may even have a little left over for your daddy) for some of that "nutrition" you're using. Either way, Yvette, the next time you see me please don't push me around. I'll be good and obey. Remember, after this baby development thing girls typically grow faster and earlier than boys do. I probably won't catch up to you and the other 35% of babies out there until I'm 16. Daddy says he knows how this works because of the childhood growth difference between he and your mommy. I'm hoping that history, at least in this situation, does not repeat itself.
Hahaha! Yvette (and Trevor) said pass the hair along and she'll send some genetically engineered amazon baby food! And it certainly does look like history repeating...now all we need is the name calling to start- in particular, ketchup and mustard face. (: