I had a very fun weekend. It was negative 12 degrees when I woke up Saturday morning. Needless to say, I didn't go outside. Cousin Sarah came and we entertained each other. We're pretty much on the same level and so we both had a blast. She brought me an awesome turtle that lights up and projects stars and the moon on the ceiling. My room also has a shooting star: me. Now I get to fall asleep underneath some constellations. All I need is a cricket and a fire pit and I'm practically camping.
By the way, I'm aware that my videos do not always work. There's not much I can do about it because the problem is not on my end. All I know is that "they" on the other end are trying to figure out what's wrong. I suspect it's the millions of fans that view my blog every day that's clogging up the Internet. If only Al Gore would take some time to invent Internet 2.0, we wouldn't have this problem. My Gramp, unbeknownst to me, is apparently some computer whiz guy now and he figured out that if the video doesn't work you can click on the posting in the blog archive (somewhere to your left). Then the video should work. If not then try again later.
Look at the picture below. Don't I look very mature today? I think so. I woke up like that. I'm amazing in my sleep.

What a little cutie! My little girl was also born last March.