Naps are awesome. They make me feel good. I'm much easier to put down for a nap these days. Typically, I get in my crib, put my butt up in the air, and close my eyes and wait to fall asleep. Sometimes, however, my body is not yet ready to sleep. I may be tired but not sleepy. That's when I decide to play. I like to pull up in my crib, bite my blanket, or wrestle around with Tiger, my stuffed lion. If I'm not feeling sleepy at all, you may hear me babbling, yelling "Da!" or reaching for and knocking the thermometer/barometer off the wall. Eventually, I do get sleepy and fall asleep. Where in the crib I fall asleep and my final position depends on my last get sleepy activity. Finally, Mommy or Daddy, I'm assuming, come in and place me in a proper sleeping position in the middle of the crib. Otherwise, I may wake up on top of my blanket, in the fetal position, and with my head crammed in the corner of the opposite side of the crib. I wake up cranky when this happens.
The following video was taken during my morning nap yesterday. I was tired and so I didn't do anything too silly. It took me about six minutes to fall asleep. The video has been edited and the second half is in double-speed because you should have better things to do than watch a baby attempt to fall asleep for six whole minutes. So put your night vision goggles on, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show.
Speaking of sleep, I need some more. I didn't sleep very well last night as I kept waking up. Mommy and Daddy must have slept great because I didn't see them coming in to check on me. I may have a cold or a tooth coming in. I'll just take a good nap this morning and feel better when I wake up. Look at me- I'm exhausted:

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