If you're reading this, you may taking a break from working or doing something you don't really want to be doing. Regardless, you're wishing that the powers that be declared the day after the Super Bowl a national holiday. Well, I don't feel bad for you. I wasn't allowed to stay up and watch the whole thing. Mommy tried to put me to bed early but I pleaded with her to let me stay up to see who won. I missed the game anyway and I'm tired this morning because of my pleading last night. Either that or I couldn’t get to sleep because I have a huge front tooth slowly breaking through on the top left. I wasn’t planning to name this new tooth, but he’s earning it. I think I’ll call him Pang. So Maxwell, Maxwell’s friend, and now Pang are in my mouth and doing their thing. Anyway, as I was saying, I can just snuggle in Mommy's generic Snuggie and G.G. blankets all morning. Are you jealous? Good.
I'm typically tired on Monday. There's too much fun to be had when Mommy is home all weekend and so my naps are not a major priority as they are under Daddy's care. As I said, I went to bed late last night. I also woke up early this morning. As a result, I'm tired but hyperactive. As Daddy says, I was "all over the place and into everything" this morning. I wanted to cozy up with the blankets but I couldn't settle down.
It's time for a nap. Actually, I'm in my crib right now. Daddy just put me in here. Even though I was hyperactive, I'm not making a fuss over the “you need a nap” mandate. I know I'm tired and I'm going to take advantage of some sleep. First, though, I'm going to lie down on my back and kick the side of my crib. The banging noise is somehow soothing. I wonder how long I can keep thi...
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