What a weekend! We went to Connecticut to attend a baby shower held on Sunday, but it seemed like I had my own baby shower on Saturday. I received so much attention and loot that I could not disappoint my audience with some good, goofy smiles and laughs. First, Daddy gave me some blocks he bought the night before. Then, Great Uncle R. and Great Aunt S. O. brought over a steering wheel that makes all kinds of noises and has flashing lights. Daddy says I'll enjoy it for a long time but the noise will get to everyone else in just a few days. Too bad, Daddy and everyone else.

Then Great Aunt S. S. came over with large bags full of toys and clothes. In one bag was a basketball hoop to help me work on my game. The other bags contained a rain coat, some fancy, warm boots, and some other sweet-looking clothes to enhance my dapperness. She really outdid herself. I mean, Mommy outdoes herself when shopping for babies but this was impressive.

All of this entertaining and playing can exhaust a little boy. After my nighttime bath, I donned my robe and fell asleep on Gramp. Saturday was in the books.
But, the best part of the weekend was the mutual entertainment between myself and Greatest and Great. We exchanged some wonderful smiles and chuckles. Greatest also helped Mommy feed me lunch and Great built a nice, cozy fire for me to admire. Great and Great Aunt S. S. think I'm quite advanced. I believe they're a little biased but I'm not going to argue, especially if the toys keep on coming. Thank you Greatest and Great for hosting such a wonderful weekend. The only problem I had with the whole thing was leaving. It's back to reality and routine now. The video below is from this morning when Mommy is leaving for work.
After she left, I looked around and realized that it was just me, Daddy, and Onyx again. Talk about slowing down the pace! Oh well, I figured I'd just accept the situation and eat my pear and mango breakfast, play a little bit, and catch up on some sleep. When Mommy comes home then maybe the party can pick back up again.
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