Head: blond/strawberry blond/multi-tonal blond hair (it depends on the lighting and who's looking and describing); significantly sized forehead encasing significantly advanced brain; mosquito bite; big blue eyes for "wowing" the ladies; above average size ears for supersonic hearing; chubby, pinching cheeks; tongue-sticking-out smile; cute-as-a-button chin.

THIGHS: largest, most impressive of all components; source of my extra energy and action powers; genetic link to baby Mommy's thighs (although significantly smaller than hers were- this is not a joke even though mine are now larger than present day Mommy's); includes nooks and crannies for storage of writing utensils, dog hair, toys, smaller children, etc.

Knees: to date all that is known is they will provide future stabilization for crawling; oh, and they get stuck between crib slats.

Toes (piggies): make excellent teething device; useful in describing comical pig actions/destinations.

Now sing with me: "head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes..." I hope that this little catchy tune remains in your head the rest of the day and when you lay your head down to go to sleep.
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