Despite the fact that I still look a little ridiculous, this new outdoor outfit certainly keeps me warm. It's so warm that I came close to overheating during the photo shoot. Daddy and I tested it outside immediately after. Thirty-four degrees is nothing I can't handle now. Not that I could actually physically handle anything in this thing, much less move. This outfit is like its own restraining device. I can't even roll over in it. The most I can manage is to slightly move my head from side-to-side. I'm going to stick with it and not complain, however. There's room to grow (particularly in the hip area) and I'm planning on getting bigger and stronger. I will adapt, although I may be allergic to the fluffy hair in the hood because I had a good sneeze after we put the outfit on.

Let's change the subject, shall we? So even though I'm eating "real people food" I still have to drink from the bottle (or cup) in order to fulfill my daily nourishment requirement. After a breakfast of mushed banana and oatmeal this morning, Daddy and I sat down for my bottle. I haven't watched myself eat in months- I'm still fascinating. As you can see from the video I still tend to get very sleepy while eating but I don't really eat to fall asleep anymore. I make my caretakers work harder than that. I'll also look out the window, play with my hands, and tug on my ear. If you listen carefully, you'll hear that Daddy accidentally pulled my finger at the 1 minute and 14 second mark.
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