Speaking of NYC, I have to admit that my production staff were not keeping up with their duties of video and picture taking. My agent is having a fit. Regardless, you'll just have to picture my experience in your mind. First, let me start with the fact that Daddy prepared my bottles for Saturday, had them in the cooler and in the car, but forgot (again!) to bring them on the train. This presented a challenge for Mommy and I. I must say that Grand Central Station doesn't accommodate a mother and her baby very well when that baby is hungry. I feel I deserve my own private feeding room. So we got the ball rolling with that debacle. When we arrived in the city Mommy, Daddy and I split up from the group, took the subway, and went to a bowling alley for a baby shower. Yeah that's right: bowling alley and baby shower are in the same sentence. There's a perfect explanation for it but again I'll let you use your imagination. We met our group (my "Little" Cousin's, Aunt Leslie and Nanna) back at Rockefeller Center. The rest of Saturday is kind of a blur. We went a few more places and ended up at a big toy store where I fell asleep. Silly me- of all places to fall asleep! Sunday we went to the zoo. Unfortunately, even The Bronx Zoo was unable to admit Little Cousin Wade as one of its attractions. We had fun anyway. Aunt Bethy joined us and I believe took a bunch of pictures of me. I'd share some of those pictures with you but apparently Aunt Bethy is not answering her text messages.
When we got home on Sunday Gramp had my first pumpkin waiting for me. Then Mommy dressed me in a pumpkin outfit I received from Cousin Marcy. Again, all of this is very bizarre but I'll go along with it for their amusement.

It's good to be home again. I was excited to see my cribroom again and I slept great last night. For now I think I'll cozy up in my crib with my pink pacifier and take my morning nap. Goodnap.
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