Friday, February 26, 2010
Science Fair
Mmmm... is that first place that I smell cooking? I think so.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cabin Fever
Daddy didn't even budge, not even when I began biting his leg. So then, I went to my viewing window and pleaded with anyone in the neighborhood who would be listening.
But, no one paid any attention. Can't anyone recognize my sand scooper banging distress signal? I should be outside, sledding and frolicking. No, a trip to the grocery store doesn't count. Let's face it: I'm stuck inside. Cabin fever has already taken a hold of me. That's my official diagnosis. Wait a minute... what about you? You could get me out of here. Hey you! Yeah you- out there in Internet Land! Will you please save me? I'm begging you. C'mon, work with me people!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
On Top of the Weather
Monday, February 22, 2010
Under The Weather
You may be able to tell by my disheveled hair and swollen, red eyes that I'm not feeling well today. I woke up crying at around midnight last night. Mommy comforted me and I fell asleep again until 6 AM. That's when I woke up and wanted no one but Mommy. I've been sobbing, running my nose, and yawning all morning. Daddy gave me my bottle and that has settled me down... a little. I'm trying to sleep now, but it's not working too well. Get me out of my crib, Daddy. I'm sick and I need a bottle and some snuggle time.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Picking Through The Interference
Do you ever get the feeling as if something is clogging you up, cognitively speaking? As if some object, unwanted but not necessarily useless, is nevertheless impeding access to your creative side? Perhaps you may sometimes feel like your brain, obstructed by a strange and unreachable phenomenon, is not receiving all it needs to function at its best. Regardless, you have something to do but you can't fully concentrate on it and you don't know why. Something is in the way and you can't quite put your finger on it. You want to push your way through, to puncture the interference in order to clear a path for refreshing newness. I think I'm having that kind of feeling. I'll be better by Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I've said this before and I'll say it again...I'm not great at following up with some of my posts. Sometimes when I blog I'll mention that I'm investigating this or attending that and you never hear about it again. Therefore, I thought I would do you all a favor and clear up some things you may still be sitting on the edge of your seats about.
So there you have it: a few blog housekeeping items taken care of. You're welcome.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Let Sleeping Babies Lie
Finally, after 10 minutes, I woke up. It took me a minute to get it together. I was not happy at first. Then I felt better when I remembered why I had to get up. We met Aunt Leslie and my "little" cousins at Barnes & Noble. I had a great time crawling around and wreaking havoc on the books and bookshelves. Afterwards, we ate lunch at Panera. For the first time ever, I ordered my own meal off the menu. It was a kid’s meal consisting of grilled cheese and a tube of extra-sweet yogurt. I ate the entire meal (except the crust, which was a little tough). As far as I'm concerned, this means that I'm officially now a kid and no longer a baby. From now on you will all refer to my classification as such. Thank you. My nutritionist was not too happy about my meal selection. Nevertheless, I was stuffed and tired, requiring a delightful two-hour nap yesterday afternoon. Good times.
While looking at the picture above, Daddy said to add more hair and a little drool and I would “look just like Mommy when she is sleeping.” He’s probably right.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Shovel Method
...Johnny, tell them what they've won. Johnny? Hello? Never mind. You'll just to have to settle for looking at this:
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ball Pit
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Will You Be My Valentine, Mommy?
Friday, February 12, 2010
My First Haircut
Finally! My agent flew a guy named Frank in from San Francisco to cut my hair. Thanks for the nice work and the magazine, Frank. For $500, he cut the shag over my ears and trimmed my bangs a bit. It's a reasonable fee for a celebrity haircut. Frank didn't cut much off but I feel much lighter. I'm also suddenly hungry for milk for some strange reason. I had better go get a bottle. Goodbye for now and...
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Eleven Months
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
If You Talk To My Mommy...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tough Guy
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to drink a glass of raw eggs, Rocky style. Yo Mommy! I love you!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tooth Pang

If you're reading this, you may taking a break from working or doing something you don't really want to be doing. Regardless, you're wishing that the powers that be declared the day after the Super Bowl a national holiday. Well, I don't feel bad for you. I wasn't allowed to stay up and watch the whole thing. Mommy tried to put me to bed early but I pleaded with her to let me stay up to see who won. I missed the game anyway and I'm tired this morning because of my pleading last night. Either that or I couldn’t get to sleep because I have a huge front tooth slowly breaking through on the top left. I wasn’t planning to name this new tooth, but he’s earning it. I think I’ll call him Pang. So Maxwell, Maxwell’s friend, and now Pang are in my mouth and doing their thing. Anyway, as I was saying, I can just snuggle in Mommy's generic Snuggie and G.G. blankets all morning. Are you jealous? Good.
I'm typically tired on Monday. There's too much fun to be had when Mommy is home all weekend and so my naps are not a major priority as they are under Daddy's care. As I said, I went to bed late last night. I also woke up early this morning. As a result, I'm tired but hyperactive. As Daddy says, I was "all over the place and into everything" this morning. I wanted to cozy up with the blankets but I couldn't settle down.
It's time for a nap. Actually, I'm in my crib right now. Daddy just put me in here. Even though I was hyperactive, I'm not making a fuss over the “you need a nap” mandate. I know I'm tired and I'm going to take advantage of some sleep. First, though, I'm going to lie down on my back and kick the side of my crib. The banging noise is somehow soothing. I wonder how long I can keep thi...
Friday, February 5, 2010
I'm Your Man!
Earlier this week, immediately after story time, some of the mothers of my friends came up to Daddy and I and asked if I'd like to join their playgroup. After learning that the group consists mostly of girls and that they need another boy, I did not hesitate, somehow speaking and putting my first words together in what I think is an English accent: "I would be delighted to join your playgroup." (It's going to be a few years before I can talk like that again). I had to speak up because I wasn't sure that Daddy would say yes. C'mon- these girls need me! So what if it's mainly because I'm a boy? I'm certainly willing, particularly under these circumstances, to be that "guy." From what I understand, opportunities like this don't present themselves often in a male's lifetime.
Today I attend my first playgroup. Mommy got me all shined up last night and now I'm ready to go. Clean diaper? Check. Tic-Tacs? Check. Smooth operating moves? Check and check.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
What Does A Matthew Say?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sleep Study
The following video was taken during my morning nap yesterday. I was tired and so I didn't do anything too silly. It took me about six minutes to fall asleep. The video has been edited and the second half is in double-speed because you should have better things to do than watch a baby attempt to fall asleep for six whole minutes. So put your night vision goggles on, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Shooting Star
I had a very fun weekend. It was negative 12 degrees when I woke up Saturday morning. Needless to say, I didn't go outside. Cousin Sarah came and we entertained each other. We're pretty much on the same level and so we both had a blast. She brought me an awesome turtle that lights up and projects stars and the moon on the ceiling. My room also has a shooting star: me. Now I get to fall asleep underneath some constellations. All I need is a cricket and a fire pit and I'm practically camping.
By the way, I'm aware that my videos do not always work. There's not much I can do about it because the problem is not on my end. All I know is that "they" on the other end are trying to figure out what's wrong. I suspect it's the millions of fans that view my blog every day that's clogging up the Internet. If only Al Gore would take some time to invent Internet 2.0, we wouldn't have this problem. My Gramp, unbeknownst to me, is apparently some computer whiz guy now and he figured out that if the video doesn't work you can click on the posting in the blog archive (somewhere to your left). Then the video should work. If not then try again later.
Look at the picture below. Don't I look very mature today? I think so. I woke up like that. I'm amazing in my sleep.