Monday, June 29, 2009

With These Powers Combined

A couple of days ago I made a new discovery: my feet and legs. They are nothing short of amazing. At first, I would notice flashes of chubby skin bouncing below my belly. I wondered, "What is doing that?" Then I remembered my hands. I grabbed those flashes and held on. Suddenly, I'm in a struggle, arms pulling against a new sensation of much bigger and stronger arm-like things. But, these are not just your average, silly arms. They are dynamic, long, strong, bundles of chubbiness and crevices that end with what Mommy and Daddy refer to as, "little piggy's." The potential of these things is endless. I really thought I found all there was to find in my hands, but this is something else entirely! Just imagine if I combine these powers!

Today I'm going to my aunt and uncle's house to play with my three cousins. They have a pool and I'm really excited to try some new strokes and put these legs to the test. The last time I swam, although wonderful, it was dark and pretty cramped and I'm not sure I was aware of my arms and legs. So I have to go. I need to grab my swimsuit, Hawaiian shirt (do I have one of those?), my crab hat, and shades. Mommy stayed home today so her and Daddy are taking me. I'm a lucky little boy...who's blessed with awesome legs.

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