Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bear Riding a Tractor

This morning was somewhat boring.  I wasn't my usual action-packed self.  It's probably because I had trouble getting to sleep last night and then when I did finally get to sleep I proceeded to wake up every hour or so.  My tummy was giving me trouble and I felt obligated to give hourly progress reports to Mommy.  Everything is better now.  If you really want the details, you can ask Mommy about how well I utilized my diaper at some early morning hour.  It's very rare that I do that and I know she is thankful for it.

Spring is back in the air (again).  I'm glad the second and cold, rainy winter was only short-term.  It's going to reach the 70's for at least today and tomorrow.  It was cool outside this morning, but not cold enough to keep me inside.  Since I was so bored, I decided to ride my tractor to the stairs, work on coming down the stairs, and then walk the tractor back home so I could take a nap.

I also yelled at some crows who like to keep my awake when I'm trying to nap.  Unfortunately, my cinematographer was not recording when he thought he was.  You'll just have to imagine me pointing and yelling, "Da!"  That's how I yell at everything.

I hope I didn't just bore you too much.  If I did, I really don't feel too bad about it.  You'll be fine.

Enjoy the weather.

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