Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Letter for Today is "B"

That's right: I've decided to crawl the traditional crawl instead of only using a military-style crawl. There's less friction with the traditional crawl and it's much gentler on my belly than dragging it around the floor. Also from the video above, you may have noticed that I declared "B" as the letter of the day. I've been working on it since I woke up this morning. Mommy has been teaching me the 'b' sound so I can say "Aunt Bethy," while Daddy has been trying to teach me to say "baseball" and "baseball bat." I think you see where each of their priorities lie.

This new crawling switch is still just a temporary mode of transportation until I start walking. It turns out this whole walking thing is taking me longer to figure out than expected; such is life, I'm beginning to find out. Note to self: maybe this is why, when I cry because I need something and I'm not getting it quick enough, Daddy attempts to explain that patience is a virtue. Anyway, I'm using a baby’s toy walker in order to stimulate some coordination and leg strength.

Perhaps I'd be better off with an adult walker.  I mean, I want to walk like an adult, not a baby.

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