Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For A Limited Time Only

March 12th will be a sad day for all you ladies out there, particularly for my aunts and grandmothers. That's the day after my birthday and the day when "certain" images and videos that I post on this blog will no longer be allowed. The cutoff for legality is apparently one-year-old for publishing my sweet little bod on the Internet. I plan to wear my birthday suit for myself on the 11th. That day falls in a gray area category. After that, if you want a look at my "want to squeeze and check for ripeness" peaches on the World Wide Web, you're going to have to wait until I'm 18 and probably pay some sort of subscription fee. I understand your frustration. But, the truth is I'm going to have to side with the law in this case. Sure, I'll find humorous ways around such regulations. For the meantime, though, I suggest you watch 'em while the gettin' is good and legal.

Mmmm, not only do I look good, but I taste good too.

Have a wonderful day. And once again, ladies: you're welcome.

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