Monday, March 1, 2010

March Madness

If you turned your calendar to March today, you should notice that the little box with '11' in it has been starred, asterisked, and filled with exclamation points with a note saying that it's "Matthew's Birthday." Your corresponding to do calendar for that same date should also include a note such as, "Buy big present." I hope that you remembered to write those notes. Otherwise, there's no time like the present.

The countdown begins. I'm feeling better and ready to take on all that March has to offer me. I began the festivities yesterday by watching Cousin Sage dance a jig in an Irish Green Beer Parade. The picture below is not a bear. It's really a picture of me, Matthew, taken while I was riding in my pack on Daddy's back, listening to bagpipes, and looking at all the people in the crowd. These people look similar to me: pale, blue eyes, some with a touch of red hair, but none quite as strikingly handsome. One thing is for sure, however, that a little sun wouldn't hurt any of us.

So, there's a lot to do to get ready the big day. Actually, I don't have to do anything. I'll leave that up to Mommy and Daddy. This should be my biggest day yet. I mean, Christmas was great with all the presents and all but I was a lot younger then and the birthday party was for some other dude that I don't even know yet. This time it's all about me. Me, me, me.

As I said, I'm expecting Mommy and Daddy to devote most of their next 10 days to planning my party. I'll just hang out with and play with Onyx so I can stay out of the way. I hope he's up for it. This morning I asked him to help me with my ring game. We played for a bit, I petted him, and then he went off to sleep somewhere.

Where did that dog go?

Oh, and I'm sorry I missed you this morning, Mommy. You wore me out with fun this weekend and so some extra sleep was necessary. It's okay that you made coffee without me. I understand. Have a good day. I love you!

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